"This Blog Hummmmmms!"---cva Stephen Colbert, National Spokes Alpaca
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December 5, 2007


Thank God that not everyone has put the murdering Osama Bin Laden "out of mind" as it seems national leaders did after 9-11. With Bin Laden's family given safe passage from America and the terrorist given a two month head start to hide, it seems that only Stephen Colbert, the super dedicated American born alpaca, has had the gonads to hunt for and haunt the terrorist who appears in videotaped messages. Colbert sent numerous emails, photos and videos to Saudis, Pakistanis, Afghanis and others....expecting Bin Laden to see him and hear his messages. Recent reports surfaced that Colbert's photos have "captured Osama Bin Laden's imagination" and he is now worried about every camel he sees, wondering if it could be Colbert the Secret Angel Alpaca, in disguise. Colbert vows to use the $25,000,000 reward to promote American history and patriotism in children of the USA, when he captures Bin Laden. God bless Colbert! We wish him success.

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