"This Blog Hummmmmms!"---cva Stephen Colbert, National Spokes Alpaca
Learn how to write off over $100,000 of your taxes a year by owning alpacas. Click Here!

December 25, 2007

Merry Xmas!

May your Christmas be one filled with the Spirit of the holiday times and be safe for you and for your family.­ Please be extra careful when driving, be sober, and watch out for the other drivers who may be drunk, high, or in a rush to return some unwanted gift to the store and ignore you in the process.­ With our country spending trillions and borrowing from China as we pay large corporations like Halliburton to slowly build Iraq after we bombed them, we understand why we are not getting good health casre here at home.­ Our nation's debts will take over 50 trillion dollars to pay back and as various corporate executives are given hundreds of millions for their retirement packages, we sit and watch, and congratulate them for their wisdom and compassion, even if their leadership actually failed those who hired them.­ But we are Americans, and I am a former Vietnam Era Spokes Person, since I volunteered to serve my country as a Green Beret in our Airborne Corps, and understand how greatly abused we Americans can become at the hands of our very own government that so many of my comrads served, most of them giving their lives in the process, some permanently disabled, and all of us treated much worse than if we were illegal aliens residing in America, getting free health care and food.­ We don't get what the illegals get.­.­.­.­but then again, we tried our best to defend the American way of life.­ So today, it is a time of reflection, and a time of mourning for me, because I realize that thousands of our current veterans are dead and tens of thousands permanently disabled.­.­.­.­with hardly any one caring about it at all.­ Hope our kids enjoy the lead painted toys that our friends, The Chinese, have provided for us at this time.­ Our government doesn't want to cause problems with people that we owe over a trillion dollars to, so just give your tiny tots things that will debilitate them before they are able to wear an American uniform and fight somewhere to become disabled or to die.­

Enjoy your holidays.­.­.­please remember our war dead and their proud families, and be as kind to our disabled soldiers and to their families as you would be to any illegal alien.­ Have a terrific holiday!

No Help at the Inn

Well, here it is, another Christmas Day in Florida, when Lorraine ("The Prairie Princess") must leave the alpacas, chickens, donkeys and most of all, her severely disabled son, Joey, in order to run the hospital laboratory in Wachula.­ Not only will she have to get up by 5 a.­m.­ and be to work no later than 6 a.­m.­, but she has been told that no one else will show up during her time and that her supervisors are not coming in nor is her relief.­ Soooo, she must work through until 11 p.­m.­, in case you need surgery and a doctor in the ER needs blood analysis of patients quickly, good luck to you or to your injured or ill loved one(s).­ Lorraine's own son is supposed to have a home health care CNA each day while she works to help clean him and do things like Range of Motion to help his arms and legs be able to move, and to move him from bed to wheel chair, clean his waste materials, and feed him through a stomach tube-­-­-­but, on holidays, the nursing agencies won't pay the help, so the CNA will not show up.

December 22, 2007


The great football coach, Howard Schnellenberger, has won yet another college bowl game, this time with the OWL-PACAS of Florida Atlantic University where I used to teach Integrative Medicine, Self-Defense, and other courses. We are celebrating the great victory of the Owls...of a college team that started from scratch in a town where I was voted 'Sexiest Bald Man of Boca Raton" by Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders and Chamber of Commerce folks, beating out then Athletic Director, Olympic Gold Medalist, Bob Beamon. My father and I attended the first practices and scrimages of FAU's All Freshman new recruits six years ago....and went to the first season of games, enjoyed dinners with the Schnellenberger family and friends. I used to fill in for the coach at golf outings, with Tim Schnellenberger as my partner for golf. We had a blast, even when my Ohio State Buckeyes beat the coach's former champions, the Miami Hurricanes for a national title in triple overtime. I hung a large YOU ARE NOW IN BUCKEYE COUNTRY banner for Tim's visit. Now we hang CONGRATS TO FAU OWLS (until OSU Buckeyes beat the LSU Tigers; January 7th.) The alpacas and I are dressing in FAU Owl jerseys to welcome the Boca Raton team back home....see ya there.

December 19, 2007


In the current war of words between political candidates such as Romney vs Huckabee, Obama vs Hillary, Colbert vs Colbert,...Guiliani vs Biden,and not since Joe Leiberman's latest "kiss of death" for McCain, has there been so many hidden messages and meanings. Colbert told Colbert that, no matter what, he was not to blame because he doesn't even talk, he simply hums. However, Colbert heard Huckabee's Christain commercial and, with his very keen ears found, when you play the Huckabee video in reverse, it is easy to hear "Ron Paul is Dead" said several times. What does it mean, nation? Who will split the over six million that Ron Paul collected the other night?

December 17, 2007

Champion Florida Alpacas.­.­.­2008

Spokes Alpaca cva Stephen Colbert moonlights

In South Florida, alpacas are protected by the steadfast roving and keen eyes and ears of our hero, Colbert the alpaca, who is making sure that all Floridians and many people throughout our great nation tune into and come to The Florida Alpaca Breeders' Association's big event, February 8-­10th, 2008 where he and others in The Florida Alpacanacle Chior will be accompanied by the top barbershop quarter, the Sounds of Sebring, in hopes of having thousands of attendees participate in setting a new GUINNESS BOOK WORLD RECORD on February 9th.­ Everyone is invited.­.­.­.­register for your official number and join in the fun.­ We will hum, "See me, Feel me, Touch me, Heal me.­.­.­" a 60's song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young and the theme song for The Florida Alpacanacle Chior.­ The final songs to hum at the performance are "Dixie, The Battle Hum of the Republic, and God Bless America.­" "Come join us," invites Colbert the alpaca.­ "We have an amazing cast of star performers including my good frien

December 10, 2007


Wouldn't you know it? As much as Stephen Colbert is into college football, and was looking forward to the Heisman trophy, he came in from field practice for a parade in Lake Placid, Florida, only to find that he had just missed the Heisman trophy presentation to Tim Tebow, the outstandhing young Gator quarterback. Colbert the alpaca vows to get it in 2008 with a new tivo recording system and a flat screen High Def TV.

December 9, 2007

Alpacadears watch parades too!

It is amazing to even longer term Florida Alpaca Breeders to see their animals actually look at and study things that are new to them.­ Alpacas are curious and typically cautious, but they are smart and learn to adapt to so many different situations.­ Being in a number of holiday parades so far has been fascinating for them and all they meet.­ Thousands of people shout out "Look at the llamas!" while many dozens shout across parade routes "What are they?" Of course the children assume they are real reindeer and their eyes truly sparkle and they laugh with glee and clap and dance and many want to rush over to hug them.­ Even sound asleep babes in arms suddenly awaken as the crowds stand to cheer and give ovations to the alpacadears.­.­.­and the babies, no matter how many weeks or months old, focus on the mystical alpacadears.­.­.­as wide-­eyed as the alpacas are most times.­ Here, Bocelli, Mistletoez and Humz check out some early floats.­.­.­and those that had music seemed to always be playing "Rud

Our "float" walked.­.­.

"The Four Alpacadear of The Metropolis" pranced and danced forward as our HEARTLAND SUN TIMES "float" followed relatively close behind.­.­.­with a large, lighted balloon on top that has several reindeer partying to Christmas songs.­ In Lake Placid's 90-­some float parade, many thousands of people lined the streets and the alpacadears entertained young and old alike.­ Nearly everyone stood to applaud these troopers.­.­.­from L to R, Bocelli, Stephen Colbert, Humz and Mistletoez.­ Colbert the alpaca wears his Lake Placid Olympic Medal to honor Lake Placid, NY and Lake Placid, FL-­-­-­reminding everyone who sees him that these are sister-­cities now.

Thank you Tom Winger.­.­.

Early on at the 100 plus float Sebring holiday spectacular with thousands and thousands of people lining the parade route, ASE Certified Auto Mechanic and Motorcycle repair man, Tom Winger of Sebring, and his wife Mary, came to help us.­.­.­and did he ever.­ Here he is seen holding the reins of B.­ B.­ king and Mistletoez, but later he held all the alpaca harnesses AND a float support as it busted during and incident during the parade when the truck ran over a full water bottle and it exploded into the herd, hitting Bocelli hard and casuing him to panic, breaking some of the hardware.­ We have really secure roping throughout just in case some major incident would occur.­.­.­and it did.­ Thank God and Thank Tom for the rescue.

December 8, 2007


The Fabulous Florida Alpaca Breeders' Association (FABA) has just welcomed Stephen Colbert the alpaca and his world famous friends, B. B. King, Bocelli, Hugz, Humz, Kizzes, Mistletoez, Tinzel and others of The Lorida Alpacanacle Choir into their prestigious organization. The Alpaca Angels of The Highlands, LLC is proud to be associated and ALPACADEAR, ALPACADEER, ALPACADEARS, LLC will headline promotions for FABA's upcoming big event scheduled for Valentine's Week in Jacksonville, FL.. "Everyone's welcome to come!" hummed Colbert as he prepared to rally his fuzzy friends for another trailer ride to Lake Placid, Florida where a massive holiday parade rolls tonight. Various sponsors are jumping on board the ALPACADEAR wagon which seems hitched to stars by actual angels...WILKENS LIVESTOCK INSURERS, HEARTLAND SUN TIMES, TOM WINGER'S CYCLE AND AUTO REPAIRS in Highlands County and, of course, Colbert is sending several friends to walk with The OKEECHOBEE NEWS HOUND (that Chuck nick-named "Rover" as a "roving reporter" should be called.) Okeechobee County is nearby and has a tremendous "Parade of Lights" scheduled tonight that ALPACADEARS will enjoy with co-producer Raegan Rothchilde leading the herd. Whether you attend either of these great holiday events or not, be sure to set your sights on reaching the big FABA three day alpaca spectacular in Jacksonville in February....free seminars, over 500 alpacas, alpaca auction, dinners, dancing, alpaca parade and petting area, photo opportunities throughout. Ya gotta love it!


Many thousands of surprized yet adoring fans lept to their feet as Stephen Colbert and his ALPACADEER pranced in stunning step as part of the HEARTLAND SUN TIMES parade float which also sported a lighted and large reindeer party baloon on top of the truck cab behind the Alpacadeer. Kids danced and squealed, shouted with joy upon seeing "reindeer" and dozens of adults, standing, appaluding the float and animals, rushed out to shout "What are they???" The parade, picked up by COMCAST CABLE was over a hundred floats long and everyone, it seems, from several counties were there. The alpacadeer did their job along the two mile stretch, where often people were eight and ten deep on sidewalks. WILKENS LIVESTOCK INSURERS and FLORIDA ALPACA BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION have picked up sponsorship offers to support the efforts of the alpacadeers to inspire people to see them again and again. Helping out was Tom Winger and his wife all along the route...and their CYCLE AND AUTO REPAIR in Sebring is another sponsor to visit or call, they did excellent "alpaca train rescuing" last night when the hook up to the truck/float broke. When interviewed immediately following the parade, Colbert the alpaca simply said "Whewwwww."

December 5, 2007


Thank God that not everyone has put the murdering Osama Bin Laden "out of mind" as it seems national leaders did after 9-11. With Bin Laden's family given safe passage from America and the terrorist given a two month head start to hide, it seems that only Stephen Colbert, the super dedicated American born alpaca, has had the gonads to hunt for and haunt the terrorist who appears in videotaped messages. Colbert sent numerous emails, photos and videos to Saudis, Pakistanis, Afghanis and others....expecting Bin Laden to see him and hear his messages. Recent reports surfaced that Colbert's photos have "captured Osama Bin Laden's imagination" and he is now worried about every camel he sees, wondering if it could be Colbert the Secret Angel Alpaca, in disguise. Colbert vows to use the $25,000,000 reward to promote American history and patriotism in children of the USA, when he captures Bin Laden. God bless Colbert! We wish him success.

December 4, 2007

Visions of Candy Canes.­.­.

B.­ B.­ King visits the beauifully decorated Sebring Circle where the night lights are delightful for all to see through these holidays.­ He can't wait to participate in the upcoming parade with the Heartland Sun times newspaper float.

Making a Deposit at Riverside Bank

Two alpacadears visited Riverside Bank in Sebring where their business accounts are established.­ They visited the bank officers and staff to wish them all "A Very Safe and Happy Holiday Time" B.­B.­ King is wearing a bib that declares "It's My First Christmas" while his senior, Colbert the alpaca, looks carefully both ways to be sure there were no "suspicious characters" around the bank.­ Colbert takes security issues seriously.­.­.­especially where his friends' funds are at work.

The Heart Throbs of The Heartland Sun Times

Angi (NOT an alpaca) is still considered both an "Angel" and a "Dear" as a publisher in Highlands County, Florida where she and co-­publisher Tony will participate with the Alpacadears in upcoming parades for the cities of Sebring and Lake Placid.­ The much heralded alpacas, Stephen Colbert and running mate B.­ B.­ King, helped to kick off a fund rasing drive for children through the courtey of Pat Riot and her partner.­.­.­where just $60 for an underprivileged child can go a great distance to help he or she learn something more about the spirit of giving.

Colbert the Alpacadear in CandyCaneLand

He just had to practice parading in Sebring, excited about leading this year's dowtown parade with the Alpacadears for The Heartland Sun Times newspaper.­.­.­which has become the most popular "little paper" in Highlands County where Alpaca Angels do not fear to tread.


Amazingly, considering the general lack of intelligence about Iraq's WMD and now surfacing about Iran's already stopped nuclear programs, that President Bush has discovered something about words in "alphabetical order." Anonymous insider sources in Washington recently discovered the President's ability to put "Cabbage," "Celery," "Code," and even the much more difficult "Colbert" before "Congress" and Counterintelligence" when he tries to write "c-words" in alphabetical order. (Although it is believed that the president does not know where exactly to put "Christmas" due to so many "consonants" and the feeling that anything starting with "Christ" should somehow be first.)

December 1, 2007

Bomb Smoke Clears away


Colbert finds office bombed!

A hired man walked boldly into the occupied offices of Stephen Colbert the alpaca (and presidential candidate for Paca Pacas USA) announcing "Imma gonna obomma disa place!" Within minutes he did so, killing several long term inhabitants and their entire families. When asked "Why," the Italian pest control specialist replied, "Eh, thisa Colbert guy, he paid me to do it. Imma do it everywhere, any a-time, some-a-body pay me. I git rid of-a da roaches and Imma wipe-a outta their families. Don't nobody a-mess with Luigi, thatsa me. They call me "da exterminator!" Colbert's handlers were seen paying Luigi under the table as he cleaned up the remains of the roach bombs.

November 26, 2007


Presidential candidate Stephen Colbert the alpaca speaks out "I'm against arms, often, but I have no bare arms nor was I given a right to bear arms. My fate was destined to be the world's most famous alpaca, and I have four legs and some hoofs, but absolutely no arms. The only arms I've seen bears have were ripped from hunters and hikers they caught, the bears chewed on them. Speaking of chewing some fat, I refuse to write for ANY television shows. I'm with the writers' union because my hoofs won't hold pens and make it difficult for me to type. However, I will speak,"


Stephen Colbert the alpaca beat every single (and married) Republican Presidential Candidate to Petersburg, FL. "Giuliani and Paul were easiest, due to their age and misdirection. Hucklebee and Romney never had a chance either because I'm from Florida and know the pastures and alleyways. None of them stood a chance....as usual." said the ever so cockey True Black Presidential Candidate. B. B. King, Colbert's running mate, echoed the front runner's words, "None of them stood a chance...as usual. None of them stood a chance...as usual."


Colbert and King report that they both took pees in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and Virginia while they were on their Lake Placid, Florida-to-Lake Placid, NY historical tour. "Obviously we were clear about having pees in the middle eastern
states, so what's the big deal? It was easy to do." said Colbert the alpaca.

November 22, 2007

White House Press Secretaries

Obviously the White House has been giving us "Snow Jobs" regularly.­.­.­and even before those, other press releases and the outting of CIA agents and lying to the world about Weapons of Mass Destruction show a most significant lack of intelligence.­.­.­.­not just in the White House, but throughout our great nation of misinformed believers.­ Colbert the alpaca wants to "trim the waste" as well as "trim the waist" right after these days of Thnaksgiving when most of us are grateful to not be bombed in our homes or markets or shot in the face or raped by invading troops.­ We are Americans with a history of trying to be free.­.­.­whereas the American alpacas are trying to be cared for by Americans who want to express the freedom of owning their own farm without fear of our own government taking it.­ (Ooops, "Eminent Domain" has struck repeatedly in our neighborhood and in Western Maryland where friends put their hearts and souls into rebuilding a farm only to have it taken by our government.­ God bless America!

November 14, 2007


Seriously folks, despite recent popular emails that ask folks to send Christmas mail to "Any America Veteran" at hospitals like Walter Reed, please do not do it. There are security threats, real ones, to be aware of. Colbert recommends checking with the rumor queller's at:snopes.com before forwarding emails that are suspicious or that sound too good. "The holiday season is a time of potential threats and disasters just as much as it can be a time for joy in our families. Be safe, check things out more thoroughly before passing stuff around or suggesting that someone do this or that. Find out in detail what the potential results might be." says our national hero, cva Stephen Colbert the alpaca.

Working alpacas

Bon Bon and Boomer practice wearing their antlers and get comfortable running with them.­.­.­as well as posing.­ It is not for fun since we need to sell alpacas and fleece products as farmers to survive and to get medical care for Lorraine's son and my aged parents.­ We do what we can to bring some joy to others, but we struggle everyday to help, running out of time and seldom having anyone else participate in helping us.­ So, we get creative.­.­.­and highlight these lovely farm critters in positive ways to draw some attention to them and to us and some other alpaca farmers across our great nation.­ The nation will enjoy the softness and silky feel of the non-­allergenic alpaca fleece products as the people become more familiar.

Clinton, Colbert, Way Ahead in Nevada

t's a safer bet, for those thinking of investing in their futures, to vote for Stephen Colbert, who is insured, as are many alpacas, against mortality in many instances except for terrorist attacks and things like nuclear wars. On the other hand, maybe to have a greater impact against such occurrences, the rising percentages of support for
candidate Hillary Clinton may have the "electiness" needed. Clinton is up about 50% in her race and Colbert is well over 97% in his race (Colbert smiles, knowing that he is at least "two more legs up" than his closest human rivals, and that none are actually "running" for the Presidency of Paca Pacas USA anyway.)

Ron Paul Rakes, Stephen Colbert Takes

As Presidential Candidates go, Stephen Colbert the alpaca takes a dim view of Ron Paul. Stephen loves trees and grass and is especially friendly with our natural environment. He is appalled at Candidate Ron Paul's followers, both of them, for nailing "Vote for Ron Paul" signs into the bark and heart of many trees. Colbert hopes Ron Paul rakes up the dead leaves that such a campaign can cause. Colbert is well known for his tree hugging rather than for tree hurting. Stephen Colbert takes issue with the tree nailing sign posters, or tree snail pine toasters, something like that.

"God is Great"

The Wings of Faith.­.­.­glided into the lives of Special Alpacas Angels Agents 007 and 99 while they were touring the USA in North Carolina.­ The motorcycle club sang "God is Great" to the boys to help us all on The Great American Alpaca Adventure.­ Strange, that the boys were surrounded by bikers and felt so safe, as though allwere protected by angels.

More good video.­.­.­soon

We have some great shots of alpacas, bridges, rock strewn rivers, mountains, and more.­ Stephen Colbert enjoyed the views and sounds of the rushing water.

November 13, 2007


Presidential Candidate cva Stephen Colbert the alpaca, heard a nearby intoxicated man yell "Pakistan's nuclear threat immediate!" which nearly sent Colbert into panic conditions. "Running for cover is at least as important as running for president," said Colbert, until, that is, his media sources were able to interview the drunk and listen more closely.It turns out that the drinking man had actually slurred "The alpaca standin' on, or near me, is a treat, I'm late."

Martile's Success

She did it! She, Martile, with her committee, put together the Art Festival for Sebring and had an overwhelming success including visits by the "alpaca-­dears," King and Humz.­ Pie eating contests, music, dancing, artists galore, plenty of visitors and a grand time.­ Couldn't ask for more!

King & Humz

Here we go.­.­.­B.­ B.­ king and his taller buddy, alpaca-­dear Humz, prepared for Christmas parades.

November 11, 2007


Once again Stephen Colbert upset several major alpaca candidates for president of Paca Pacas USA 2008. Several of these prominent alpacas had their large round eyes set on the IOWA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, OHIO and MICHIGAN votes, but Colbert the alpaca has overwhelming assurances from the eligible voters of those great states that the other candidates are fading away. Colbert's owners are celebrating his likely victories early by purchasing a large loom so they can weave alpaca fleece during the coming college football bowl games, which Colbert has cleverly renamed as "Footbowl Games."


Two bright spots are a major hit at Florida festivals and fairs, bringing greater fame and recongition for alpacas from The Farm of Eden where Alpaca Angels of The Highlands reside. These two were hugged and photographed by hundreds of folks during Sebring's annual Art Festival.

November 10, 2007


Stephen Colbert the alpaca, although he can not actually sing or write well, has "hummed" his appreciation for being the 2007 "Alpaca Writer of the Year." "I love it! I love it nation!" he hummed repeatedly as he walked away with the award...which is a replica of an alpaca hoof with a pen between the "nails". The award is going on display at The Farm of Eden, home to Alpaca Angels of The Highlands in Central Florida. "Many alpacas win blue ribbons each year, but this is different. I really am honored." he said.

November 7, 2007


"In developing the world's first Alpaca Adventure movie, none of the folks working on it were ever "Desperate Housewives: writers," hummed Stephen Colbert the alpaca during the TV writers' strike. "Due to increasing alpaca sales and the use of U.S. Tax Code 179, alpaca owners are seldom among the 'desperate' anything," continued the world's most famous alpaca. "In fact," Colbert remarked, "so called 'housewives' can raise alpacas with relative ease---or without relatives at all."


Stephen Colbert the alpaca noticed, in cold weather this morning, that gas was rising right behind him. He isn't sure if it is related to a change in hay, from Timothy Orchard to Timothy Alpaca, or not. Colbert and his friends will sniff out their gas situation and supply a future report.

November 2, 2007

Colbert the Environmentalist, tree hugging

Stephen loves trees while King enjoys grass.­ Both boys are champions of the environment, but none is greater than Colbert who dearly loves his trees.­ He loves to put some bark into his hugs.


Our material is "written" by alpacas, obviously, with cva Stephen Colbert the alpaca leading various union groups with powerful ideas and thoughts, bringing people and animals closer together, supporting each other's efforts. Colbert's writers are going full strength on High Def TV programs, a holiday special, greeting cards, and feature
film of his Great Alpaca Adventure. "There is NO WRITERS' WALKOUT to report here," says the ever popular presidential candidate Colbert.

Waiting for a Train

While waiting at the Tifton Terminal in Georgia, the boys found some friends.­ "All aboard!" (Actually these alpacas are not for riding.­.­.­they are super stars.­)


Financial news: Many alpaca owners are resting assured due to their livestock being insured against mortality, and with available tax write offs annually reaching up to $125,000. Savvy alpaca owners, 80% who purchased their livestock off Internet sites and about 50% who let the alpaca farmer continue to keep, raise and breed the cute fluffy huggable investments, continue to enjoy the soft fleece bearing animals. The fleece sells well and is made into soft, warm, colorful and stylish products like sweaters, mittens, socks, hats, scarfs, coats and long johns.

Art for distinguished tastes

Stephen Colbert and B.­ B.­ King study some exquisite paintings during their tour of a Greek Food and Art Festival in Columbia, SC.­ Stephen was amazed about the long necks some animals have.­ B.­ B.­ King was wondering how to get black stripes running through his fleecey coat.


Some say Stephen Colbert's Presidential Campaign "is a joke" even in South Carolina, but "Not so!" says chief supporter cva Stephen Colbert the alpaca. "I've given him the fleece off my back and fully believe in Colbert the human and his ability to turn THE NATION around. To treat Colbert as 'Carolina road kill' in his political campaign is disgraceful. If he needs me and B. B King to return and set the record straight, we
will." declared Colbert the alpaca.

November 1, 2007

And, every now and then, both the boys think of the beautiful maiden, Bindi, who was named for the brilliant naturalist daughter of Australian Animal Lover, the late Steve Irwin.

Bindi meets a horse and both animals try to figure out what's what.

Brain damaged in 2000 car crash, Joey's Hope is in alpaca sales and agisting from which his mother may make money to get improved treatment.­ The former Marine Corps hopeful is now 26 and relying on alpaca sales to finance stem cell or other therapies that show increasing promise for Brain and Spinal Cord injuries.


Stephen Colbert, B.B. King and Brzoz made an appearance last night on Halloween in Polk County's Florida's historic Gapway Baptist Church. The local "hummm" was about this terrific trio, campaigning for animal rights, improved environment, and for the return of Americans to be "one nation, under God." Recently Presidential Candidate Stephen Colbert, the human, coined the term "UNITEDSTATESITIES" to better describe unifying America again. Last night, Colbert the alpaca suggested "UnitedLandAnimalsandPeopleness" but, like everyone, he has a great deal of trouble actually saying it. So, he and his friends, simply hum the newly created word, which sort of sounds like "HmmmhmmhmmHMMMhmmmHMMhmmmmmhmmm" but they insist that we should all know what THAT hum means for unifying rather than dividing our great nation.

October 31, 2007


FEMA NEWS: Colbert, King, running mates on the 2008 presidential ticket, are not standing still for FEMA programs. Of course, this acronym, FEMA, is for FEEDING EVERY MALE ALPACA and our guys have supported FEMA for all of their lives (and for their friends in America and elsewhere). Even so, the world's most famous two alpacas will not stoop to holding faked FEMA news releases even when they take Paca Paca USA's highest offices. "We believe that female alpacas should at least be cared for and fed as much as males," said Stephen Colbert, the alpaca presidential front runner. "Ditto that!" added running mate B, B. King


True enough, B. B. King is "King of the Blues" when it comes to dying alpaca fleece. "His pure white fleece is easily dyed deep blue, azure, robin egg, or turquoise and any other shade..." claims true Black alpaca Stephen Colbert when asked about his running mate. "B. B. King and Blues go together better than blues guitars and harmonicas," he added. B. B. King said "I'll never be red---and you can quote me." B. B. KING the alpaca is luxurious and knows how to "play an audience," being seen in an eleven state tour with Stephen Colbert, in person or by TV viewing and news reading audiences numbering over six million during September and October, 2007. They were on the road promoting NATIONAL ALPACA FARM DAY. Some asked "B. B. King...when will you dye?" Colbert took the stage and replied, "It's not a question of whether B .B. King will dye or not, it's simply a matter of what color will he dye best." When asked directly, B. B. King sings "The Blues!"

October 30, 2007

New Police Chief meets the boys

PETERSBURG, Virginia's newest and finest police chief came to visit the sheriff and ran into the boys sampling the grass.­ There were no KEEP OFF THE GRASS signs, and they stayed on their leashes.­.­.­.­so it was a most pleasant meeting.

Cautious Sheriff

The Sheriff doesn't take any chances with animals any larger than parakeets but she welcomed the world famous visitors to Petersburg and even suggested a few historic places to see.­ Colbert and King appreciated the time spent and the information given.

Raleigh, NC visit

Throughout North Carolina there are so many historic markers, plenty to do with the start of American medicine.­ By the capital building there are several commemorating pharmaceutical groups and discoveries.

Touring the former Governor's Mansion

BB King examines the brick sidewalks carefully, looking to trim weeds or grass from between the bricks to help keep thing tidy.­ Stephen Colbert the alpaca and presidential candidate for PACA PACAS USA, takes on a more stoic pose when at political places.

Greensboro grass

Just making sure the grass is trimmed here and there to help keep the old governor's mansion in good shape in Greensboro, NC

Bunker Hill Covered Bridge was fun to go through

A small but once very useful covered bridge that has well over a hundred years of North Carolina history associated with it.­ Very nice stroll across the creek and walk to and through the bridge.­.­.­not very far off the main roads.­ Delightful rest and picknick area.

Chimney Rock area parking

Here is the only place on our more than 6000 mile tour where the boys were asked to leave.­ The Mayor actually came over to have the animals moved from the grass.­ It appears that she had tremendous fear that the boys would set a bad example for other animals, and then where would Chimney Rock, North Carolina be???? Maybe it's much more fragile than it first appears.­ WATCH OUT FOR FALLING ROCK!!!

gO gaTORS???? Sis BOOM bah

Waltherboro.­.­.­land of dueling fireworks companies,.­.­.­where the boys checked out a giant gator statue waving a Grond Old American Flag all night long.­ Stephen Colbert was heard humming ".­.­.­and the rocket's red glare.­.­.­, the bombs bursting in air,.­.­.­" BB King was thinking "Now here's a great place to have a gas station.­"

Flower Power Lives!!!

We really enjoy wild flowers wherever they appear.­ Along some highways, there are wonderful stretches of flowers, some red, some purple, some yellow, some delicious.

Oh deer, oh deer

Yep, this here deer and others somethin' like it, need to watch out real good hereabouts cause some of the fellers are damned good shots.­.­.­there's lots of bullet holes in this wall, so ya know they can hit the broad side of a barn.­ Alpacas need to tred careful and run fast.­.­.­just in case a hunter has been mixing alcohol with his shotgun shells.­ Actually, this here's a good place for shells, hunting license, beer, and gas.­.­.­.­plus indoor bathroom and some fried chicken.­ What more could one want?

Howsyer Willacoochee hangin'?

We had to visit the Willahoochee, Georgia Chamber of Commerce.­.­.­figuring that it and Tifton, Georgia should at least have a "brother relationship" through the railways.­ The Chamber rolls!!!!

Never quite know what to expect on this or that road or highway, but we like Chambers of Commerce and we like educational as well as historic sites.­ This Chamber of Commerce certainly peaks one's curiosity, doesn't it? As you visit Willacoochee, let them know ya saw this blog.

October 29, 2007


When traveling in South Carolina, Stephen Colbert the alpaca maintained a great view out of his campaign vehicle, stopping in various cities and ending his first campaign trip in Charleston. Colbert, Edwards, and B.B. King seem to feel "at home" whether in the cotton fields, corn fields or cannon batteries of South Carolina, and each will make their marks during this election run, with Colbert able to run approximately 35 mph, running well ahead of Edwards at this time. Before, during and after running, Colbert the alpaca declares that his "hair" looks better than candidate John Edward's hair any day of the week. Being frugal, Colbert's "hair cuts" are once per year at a $30 cost, not a $400 cost and needing regular trimming. "Hair cut management shows how frugal and budget conscious a president may be, "declared Colbert, promising to trim the national deficit when he becomes the next president. "I will not fleece America as others have done."

October 28, 2007

Alpacas waiting for Al Packer

When you are on the go, go with Al Packer.­.­.­
Stephen Colbert the alpaca reads the Welcome Mat.

Everyone pose for the shot, alpacas at Al Packer's

Hmmmm, got to make a selection here at Huber's Farm

B B King checks out pumpkin choices for Halloween.

Flustered with pumpkin choices, BB King asks for advice from Stephen Colbert.­ They want to carve faces that will scare alpaca angels,.­.­.­faces like Ron Paul's and Dick Cheney's.

Colonial Williamsburg horses are "seeing things.­"

Stephen Colbert and BB King visited Colonial Williamsburg where several thousand tourists took their pictures amid the historic American dwellings and shops.­ The boys loved the sights and sounds, met horses and oxen, wandered into shops and yards.

Making friends in Williamsburg

Our heroes meet some of the nicest people, especially a few who want to take them back home.

Wandering around Patterson Park in Baltimore

Colbert and King tour historic Patterson Park which has elevations that overlook the Inner Harbor and areas of East Baltimore where troops were positioned for The Battle of 1812.­ The "first blood" of America's Civil War was drawn in a street fight near this area.

General Casimir Pulaski is touted as "Hero of the American Revolution" and "Father of the American Calvary" and honored by Baltimore naming Pulaski Highway after him as well as a major historic monument past this bench where the boys roamed in Patterson Park.

Colbert and King enjoy lunch at Carl's Little House in Pigtown, very near The Ravens' and The Baltimore Orioles' Camden Yards sports complex.­ Carl's has delicious stuff.­.­.­from breakfast through dinner, and very cold drinks.

We always visit Carl's when passing through Baltimore, to see the magnificent improvements taking place throughout the inner city areas.­ Some home renovators are doing well with century old rowhomes, making them very appealing to Baltimore sports minded folks who want in-­the-­city places to hang out before or after games.­ Pigtown has had its share of characters ever since it was a major route for farmers to bring livetock up to BUTCHER'S HILL where it was "processed.­"

The Daily Grind is Great

Colbert and King look for Baltimore Casting Director Pat Moran in The Daily Grind coffee house in Fell's Point near where many films and episodes of HOMICIDE were shot for years.­ The two famous alpacas were hoping that Pat would cast them for feature films or maybe in a Director John Waters or Director Barry Levinson play or film.­ Two cappacinos to go, please!

October 26, 2007


Colbert the alpaca insists "Humans interested in owning alpacas, even if just for the large annual tax write offs, take time to visit some alpaca farms like this one in Frewsburg, New York. It's a PACA PEOPLE USA farm that is also THE SURI ALPACA SMALL FARM OF THE YEAR where more than sixty alpacas can be seen as the owners, Pete and Ev, tell about it. King and I enjoyed our visit during NATIONAL ALPACA FARM DAY 2007. Some of my best friends live here."


"Hmmmmm, a lot needs to be improved across America, and education, especially historical perspectives that return a sense of patriotism to us all, needs to be a priority!" hums presidential hopeful Stephen Colbert. "Like Al Gore has done for awareness of the environmental issues, I will release a film that helps Americans be better informed about our roots and ideals, recapturing some of what once made us a
unified force for freedom with voices for goodness."

October 25, 2007


When asked, "What's your position on...(whatever topic...war in Iraq, gay marriages, global warming, llamas, dollies, catastrophic events,...)" our clever candidate, Colbert the alpaca, answers honestly with "Latitude: 27.4417162844096 | Longitude: -81.2399482727051" "He is the only candidate who is truly outstanding in his field and who knows exactly where he's at." declares running mate B. B. King. "It's entirely true, I am with him most of the time and have just about the very same position as Stephen." echoed Bocelli, another Alpaca Angel located in the center of Florida at The Farm of Eden.

October 24, 2007


ATTENTION: STEPHEN COLBERT, B. B. King and all of the Alpaca Angels of The Highlands, LLC and all the member farmers of PACA PEOPLE USA are taking time to pray for the well being and safety of firefighters, National Guard, Red Cross and other volunteers and for the people and animals of California during the horrific fires. We are bolstered by the community efforts and by that of our government through this time of great need. We suggest that all Americans do what they can to aid our people, animals and land in California. We have member farms near San Diego with alpacas, and trust that they will be safe through it all and help lead recovery efforts soon. Thank you!

October 22, 2007


While waiting to pick up 40 bags of feed this evening, there were knocks at the door. We greeted Bob and Harriet Porter of The Lake Placid, Florida "Mural Society" which initiated and continues the splendid wall murals of "The Town of Murals." They had brought an interesting friend, Mayor of Lake Placid, Florida, Mr. Thomas A. Katsanis. He was interested in learning about our alpacas and in meeting the two world famous ones, Stephen Colbert and B. B, King, that made the month long historic journey up to Lake Placid, New York and back during the celebration of NATIONAL ALPACA FARM DAY week (and longer). Mayor Katsanis was very interested in hearing all about The journey and the amazingly wonderful reception given the two alpacas in New York's Olympic Village setting high among the Adirondacks. He found that the we shot the journey with two high Definition Video Cameras and visited many cities, towns, historic sites, and beautiful places, viewing as though through the eyes of our Alpaca Angel Agents 007 (Colbert) and 99 (King). After touring The Farm of Eden and seeing how we manage the herd and after meeting the two heroic alpacas, the Mayor was given a number of news articles from several papers that did stories and photos related to the round trip journey. The Town Council of Lake Placid, Florida and the Chamber of Commerce and The Mural Society are working together to bring about the dialogue and whatever proclamations necessary to co-create a permanent "sister city" relationship with Lake Placid, New York. We appreciate his visit and that of the Porters, wishing the many friends we have in both terrific towns the very best of success in this historic endeavor. May God bless our Lake Placids.

October 21, 2007


Presidential Candidate cva Stephen Colbert the alpaca offers to help his namesake, Presidential Candidate Stephen Colbert the host of THE COLBERT REPORT...be recognized and promoted throughout South Carolina by visiting various towns and cities before the primaries take place. Colbert the alpaca has already given the fleece off his back to help Colbert the actor/comic and is willing do do more along with this PAC
(Political Alpaca Committee) composed of alpaca friends, B. B. KING, BOOMER TIMES, and EZBUCKS.


Candidate cva Stephen Colbert the world famours alpaca, did not have time to be interviewed by political journalist Tim Russert. After Colbert the alpaca sent Stephen Colbert--the other Presidential Candidate, 100% super soft black alpaca fleece right off his back, made into a scarf and a pair of socks, he is waiting for a courteous
response. Candidate Stephen Colbert the tru black alpaca running for president of Packa Pacas USA, used some of his PAC (Political Alpaca Committee) funds to send the actor and Presidential Candidate Stephen Colbert, the scarf and socks to help ward off the cold of New York winters. Who or what else has given the actor-candidate the "shirt" off their back to help out????

October 20, 2007


Candidate cva Stephen Colbert announced that he is running for President and has won the unanimous support of "The American Alpaca Party." This major endorsement is sure to carry him on the tickets of more than the traditional two parties. His running mate, BB King, is humming aloud these days with confidence, saying "We are 'Party
Alpacas,' meaning that we love to party and will do so whenever we have an invitation." King went on to praise his buddy, Candidate Colbert, saying "Stephen is a True Black candidate, related to Gen Schwartzkopf, Guy Lombardo and Chaka Kahn."

It's true, alpaca scholars have checked with Alpaca Registry, Inc. and what King says about Colbert is absolutely true. Now that "Truthiness" is what American politics needs at this time. Candidate Colbert's campaign team offeres a new slogan for their man after dropping the once popular "WE WILL FLEECE YOU." Instead, they want to help make America stronger and reflect that with 'HUGS AND HUMS---INVEST IN INSURABLE ALPACAS."

"Clever Colbert," as close friends call him, reports "We all can use a good hug and know that we are safe." He added, "I have ways to make Americans snuggle up again and ways to help them feel secure." We are sure he does. More to come! In a gesture of good will, Colbert sent satirist/comic Stephen Colbert true black alpaca socks and a 100% hypo-allergenic black alpaca scarf to help that Presidential Candidate stay warm and cozy throughout his campaign. "Wear them well and best wishes for your success," said Colbert the alpaca.

October 19, 2007


A few nights ago, cva STEPHEN COLBERT was on television, and prepared to announce his run for the presidency. Headlines that night would have screamed large bold letters everywhere reading 'COLBERT ANNOUNCED RUN FOR PRESIDENCY' or things like 'COLBERT DECLARES AS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE' or more simply "COLBERT, AMERICA'S CHOICE."

He cleverly waited after announcing his decision to definitely or more than likely decide about confirming that he might announce. We say, "GOOD CHOICE, COLBERT." and continue issuing that salute to our hero, wanting to encourage him further. cva STPEHEN COLBERT then actually declared his candidacy for PRESIDENT...and it was echoed by his "running mate," aah B B King. Truth is, they are ALPACA ANGELS OF THE HIGHLANDS, and special emissaries for both Lake Placid, New York and Lake Placid Florida---two tremendous towns with many connections to each other (especially through Melville Dewey of "Dewey Decimal System" fame.) These alpaca angels just completed more than 6,000 miles in surveying the populations along the Eastern Seaboard, testing out whether they would stand a chance or not for the highest offices.

"It looks good for us, especially for me.!" quipped COLBERT in between hums. "I trust that Stephen Colbert of THE COLBERT REPORT has as good a run as we are sure to have. The KING and I really enjoyed touring Charleston, South Carolina, and even were invited to join a lovely couple from Columbus, Ohio as their wedding photos were being taken in the elevated gazebo overlooking the historic waterfront battery of


And of course, NATION, we are talking about the world famous alpacas with cva Stephen Colbert discussing with his campaign advisor and travel companion,aah BB King, about plans to run, with all four legs, in 2008, for the PACA PACAS USA national presidency...which just recently opened up for all alpacas owned by PACA PEOPLE USA member farms.

While traveling on the campaign trail, some 6400 miles so far, with visits to The Capitol Building in Washington, DC and to various state capitals such as Columbia, SC, Raleigh, NC., Richmond, VA, Trenton, NJ and Albany, NY, Stephen Colbert was unstoppable in his quest to soon declare his run for president. "Colbert is a timely force for the Presidency," hummed the delightful King during a recently televised (at The Farm of Eden) interview. "Colbert expects to announce this run for President formally, not just in Charleston, SC, but in Ocala, FL as well.

"I'm truly American and I represent American alpacas from their births onward. They need a spokes alpaca, a hero, a champion...to help stave off the stigma of having immigrant parents from Peru, Chile and other South American countries." hummed our hero, Colbert to King.

King ended the interview with "Colbert for President? Hmmm!"
(We at the network feel that there will be more of this banter in the near future. Stay tuned for COLBERT AND KING, more to come.)

October 8, 2007

Big News Flash!!

Lake Placid New York, the Olympic City, has honored the alpaca emmissaries from Lake Placid, Florida by awarding cva Stephen Colbert-the alpaca and his traveling buddy, aah B. B. King--the alpaca, OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALS.

Jim, the President of Lake Placid, NY's Chamber of Commerce and Margarette, handed the awards to Chuck Domm to place them around his alpacas necks in a brief but important ceremony in front of the 1932 HQ of the OLympic Games. Then the world famous alpacas went to the site of the Olympic Ski Jumps and were photographed by Lou, a crack photographer for local and regional news in Lake Placid.

The world famous alpacas also wore their Olympic Gold while visiting, Mike and others, nearby at The Cornell University Maple Syrup Research Facility on Bear Cub road before moving on to the site of famous abolishionist John Brown's Farm where roving black bears were spotted.

Now it is on to Medford, NJ where they will spend the night and then go toTrenton, NJ and Philadelphia, PA before going to Wilmington, DE and back into Baltimore, MD for a friend's funeral service. Afterwards they will return to Washington, DC and then at special request to Williamsburg, VA to spend a night before going to Davisboro, GA (to see Custom Milling) where their alpaca food supplements are produced.

October 5, 2007

More News From The Tour!

Stephen and BB set out to view scenic overpasses in the highest of South Western New York Allegany Mountains and visited a few peaks to watch leaf changes taking place. We got great video high up but even better along the shores of the Allegany River as it winds through Seneca and Iriquois lands where dear and bear still run in abundance. Believe we heard a black bear about 100 feet from our position so we raced to the van. BB won!

Continued on to Cuba, NY where the greatest cheese in America is made at the Cuba Cheese Factory. Outside are two Gurnsey cows as statues that Stephen and BB stayed next to with a few of the Cuba Cheese folks for photos.

Then we went to view the great McKinney horse barn...a most magnificent barn built in 1906, hundreds of feet long and beautiful with sprawling grounds nestled in the mountainous valley of Cuba. We found the offices of the Allegany News, The Patriot, on Water Street and stopped by for photos and probably a story of our travels.

Then it was on past the Seneca and Iriquios Casinos and we took time to stop at the museum before heading to Almond, NY to shoot, Wendy and Bill, the fine folks at The Fleece Factory. They showed Stephen and BB how the alpaca fleece is processed from arriving as shorn fleece, being cleaned and washed, dried and processed into various
spools or skeins for knitters to make use of in turning alpaca fleece into sweaters, socks, hats, scarfs, blankets, slippers and so much more.

En route to YBNormal Farms, going West again, we shot the setting sun scenes along the Allegany River as it meandered through the multicolored forests of the mountains with Canadian geese flying in wedge formations above, heading mostly south, with gaggles from four to forty geese honking their way through the mountain passes before
the first snows hit.

In the morning we are expecting over a hundred bales of good hay to be stored in the century old barn at YB Normal Alpaca Farms in Frewsburg,NY. We will shoot it all as the truck comes in at first light, then we are shooting how to inject alpacas with specific deworming medications, weigh the newborns, and work with some championship
fleece blankets.

There are so many truly beautiful locations to shoot for our documentary...and we are heading up through Buffalo before going over to Albany, NY and into Clifton Park. Once there, we will go into the awesome Lake Placid area to try to make friends and complete at least half of our mission for encouraging Lake Placid, NY folks to accept
Lake Placid, FL as their little "sister city." We also came from Jamestown, VA to Jamestown, NY on this trek.